Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What would you do if you were invesble

I would visit the Top 1000 most rich people in the world. Study their signatures and then while they were not looking, start sending out cheques to charities using 90% of their funds

How to be Successful

Is it not what we all are dreaming of? Being a Success! We want to be successful in school, in our jobs, in our relationships. In fact, we dream about being successful in everything. But what a challenge this is!
Most of the people believe that they just can't achieve great success because they don't have what it takes, or because they're not educated enough! They complain that luck is never on their side or that they weren't born to be successful, or even that they are too poor to ever even think about being something else!
You know what? You don't need luck or any diploma to accomplish the success you deserve.

You just need faith. Faith that you will indeed be successful, faith that you have all that it takes to make it to the top! You have to BELIEVE that YOU ARE the most successful person you ever met.

If you don't believe in yourself, who on earth do you think will?

The most successful persons in the world (businessmen (women), signers, physicians, etc.) all have that point in common: They all believed firmly that they were going to be exactly what they expected to be. They never doubted themselves, they had faith in their potentials and they were absolutely convinced that they would make it to the top! They never accepted a No for an answer. Nothing as ever stopped them, slowed down maybe, but never stopped!
Well that is very neat on paper, but I can hear you tell me: "It's easier said than done! How can I have faith in myself, when all that I have done so far hasn't brought me the success I am dreaming of? Everything that I'm trying ends up in a mess! Oh, I have attained some results of course, but I want more than that!" And that could go on and on...

There is a lot of things that ANYBODY can do to become a success in any field they choose: relationships, business, career, anything you can think of!

First, you have to understand that you will need to make an effort, not necessarily a huge one, but let's put it that way: you will definitely need consistence in your doings.

With anything that you're trying to attain if you don't give consistent efforts, you'll just simply NEVER get what you expect. The main point is to believe that YOU CAN be successful, and YOU WILL indeed.

One good method I am using for years now is Affirmation. And that doesn‚t really take a great deal of an effort to do. Simply keep repeating to your self some sentences like these ones:

- I am a successful person.
- I can attain any success level I desire.
- I will be rich because I deserve it!
- Etc.

There are some rules that have to be followed when using the Affirmation Method.
  • Never use any negative form in you sentences (i.e.: I will not fail in anything anymore. It's better to use: I will succeed in everything I'm undertaking from now on.) And trust me, affirmations really works! So if you affirm anything negative, this is what you'll get! So be aware of it, and very careful in your affirmations.

  • You also have to be repetitive. Repeat at least 10 to 20 times each affirmation every day, for several days. What I like to do when I have a goal to attain is to pick up 2 or 3 sentences that make sense to me. Then I write them down 10 times each, and I repeat the process for at least 7 days in a row.

  • Remember, consistency!!! You can even go further and do it for 2 to 3 weeks in a row. The longer you do it, the better results you'll get.

    You will be surprised on how effective that simple and easy method is. Few years ago I started with affirmations to help me care about my self. Yeah! I was like that! A person that didn't like herself enough to believe that she could do anything good. Well that simple method had simply change my life for the better! Now I am happy with myself, my life with my family and friends is fill with joy and happiness, I run a successful business in Graphic Arts and I do have a great success with my spare time e-businesses.

    So, let me tell you that this method can really change your life too if you only give it a try! I went from living in a stressful mood all the time, never expecting anything good could ever happen to me, to being loaded with confidence in my possibilities and chances of being successful in all the aspects of my life! And still sometimes when something doesn't go the way I want it, I grab my pen and start writing positive affirmations. And back on the good track I am!

    So pick up your pen, and start climbing the road to success!

    With that simple method you too can become successful in any of your goals. I simply wish the information I just gave you, will help you out! Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be more than glad to hear from you and discuss that method with you.

    Blackberry Features

    Research in Motion released more information this week about its upcoming overhaul to the BlackBerry mobile OS. BlackBerry 6 is scheduled to arrive by the end of the third quarter, and right now it can’t come fast enough for the veteran smartphone maker.
    New research released this week revealed a double whammy for RIM: Fewer buyers are planning to purchase a BlackBerry and customer satisfaction with BlackBerry has dropped off a cliff. That’s a bitter pill to swallow when you consider that BlackBerry was ranked number one in customer satisfaction by J.D. Power and Associates in 2007 — the year Apple first released the iPhone.
    While BlackBerry remains the overall leader in smartphone market share in the U.S., iPhone and Google Android have stolen away all of the momentum with touchscreen devices that are much easier to use, much better for browsing the Web, and offer better third-party apps.
    That’s what BlackBerry is up against and those are some of the areas where the platform is trying to catch up with the next release. Take a look at the latest video demo of BlackBerry 6 that RIM has released to see how much ground you think they’re making up. Then, read my list below of the top six new developments to watch for in OS 6.

    1. Multi-touch interface

    The screen resolution shown in the video demo above is 360×480, which is the current resolution of the BlackBerry Storm. The demo itself also extensively makes use of a multi-touch interface and a touchscreen keyboard, which makes it appear that BlackBerry is likely to use touchscreens on all future models.
    That doesn’t mean BlackBerry’s signature hardware keyboard will go away. The widely-rumored BlackBerry 9800 (likely to be called the BlackBerry Torch) features a full touchscreen like the Storm but also includes a slide down keyboard, similar to the Palm Pre. It appears likely that BlackBerry will move to two primary product lines — one with touchscreen-only (Storm) and one with a touchscreen plus a slide-down qwerty (Torch).

    2. Webkit browser

    The current Web browsing experience on BlackBerry is slow, difficult to navigate, and frustrating. That’s why RIM bought Torch Mobile last year and decided to revamp its Web experience using Torch Mobile’s WebKit browser. As shown in the video above, the new BlackBerry browser now offers pinch-to-zoom and touchscreen scrolling. That will be great for touchscreen models, and could bring BlackBerry browsing up to speed with iPhone and Android, but the bigger question is how will the new Webkit browser affect existing BlackBerry smartphones? Will they not get the upgrade?

    3. Redesigned home screen

    The classic BlackBerry home screen has one row of five to six icons and then you hit the BlackBerry key to see the rest of your apps. The new BlackBerry 6 home screen has two rows of four apps each and then you use the touchscreen to swipe left or right to see different groups of apps.

    4. Universal search

    Following the lead of Palm webOS and iPhone, BlackBerry 6 will offer an all-device search that will help you find mail messages, contacts, apps, songs, videos, etc. And it will let you extend the search out to the Web if what you’re searching for isn’t on the device itself.

    5. Context-sensitive menus

    The BlackBerry key has always served as a menu button to provide additional options (kind of like right-click on a PC). BlackBerry 6 extends that concept into the touch interface. For example, you can touch a person’s name and you’ll get a pop-up contact menu that will then allow you to quickly call, text, IM, or email that person. In other places you’ll be able to touch items on the screen to get more info, configure, or navigate. This should make BlackBerry more intuitive and solve the current headache of having to dig through lots of menus and options to perform simple tasks.

    6. Social tools

    BlackBerry has already worked with Facebook and Twitter to build solid apps for the BlackBerry platform, but in OS 6, BlackBerry is building some social hooks into the platform itself. With its new Social Feeds app, for example, it will let you post status updates to multiple social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). That app will also allow you to view updates from your contacts across multiple social networks in one place.
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    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    How to open an email account

    Nowadays an email is use full way to communicate  with people in other country or to get a job especially those using it for business communications .There are different companies which are introducing emails , for instance : yahoo, hotmail and gemail.

    Each website of the companies has a similar way for registering to open new account.However it depending on where you want to open an e-mail account at for example if you wanted a yahoo account you would go on the site and press mail and there will be a space where you can click on that says register for a account or sign up.Then you have to fill the gaps about your main information for instance : the email that you want to do, password,your ffirst and last name,your country ,Gender ,country and age. After that if the information are correct , you will get your new mail .

    Lastly I think there's a good chance you use email to communicate with others, including your boss, colleagues, clients, or prospective employers. and it's the most easiest and fastest way to contact with others.

    how to write an email (yahoo)