Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to be Successful

Is it not what we all are dreaming of? Being a Success! We want to be successful in school, in our jobs, in our relationships. In fact, we dream about being successful in everything. But what a challenge this is!
Most of the people believe that they just can't achieve great success because they don't have what it takes, or because they're not educated enough! They complain that luck is never on their side or that they weren't born to be successful, or even that they are too poor to ever even think about being something else!
You know what? You don't need luck or any diploma to accomplish the success you deserve.

You just need faith. Faith that you will indeed be successful, faith that you have all that it takes to make it to the top! You have to BELIEVE that YOU ARE the most successful person you ever met.

If you don't believe in yourself, who on earth do you think will?

The most successful persons in the world (businessmen (women), signers, physicians, etc.) all have that point in common: They all believed firmly that they were going to be exactly what they expected to be. They never doubted themselves, they had faith in their potentials and they were absolutely convinced that they would make it to the top! They never accepted a No for an answer. Nothing as ever stopped them, slowed down maybe, but never stopped!
Well that is very neat on paper, but I can hear you tell me: "It's easier said than done! How can I have faith in myself, when all that I have done so far hasn't brought me the success I am dreaming of? Everything that I'm trying ends up in a mess! Oh, I have attained some results of course, but I want more than that!" And that could go on and on...

There is a lot of things that ANYBODY can do to become a success in any field they choose: relationships, business, career, anything you can think of!

First, you have to understand that you will need to make an effort, not necessarily a huge one, but let's put it that way: you will definitely need consistence in your doings.

With anything that you're trying to attain if you don't give consistent efforts, you'll just simply NEVER get what you expect. The main point is to believe that YOU CAN be successful, and YOU WILL indeed.

One good method I am using for years now is Affirmation. And that doesn‚t really take a great deal of an effort to do. Simply keep repeating to your self some sentences like these ones:

- I am a successful person.
- I can attain any success level I desire.
- I will be rich because I deserve it!
- Etc.

There are some rules that have to be followed when using the Affirmation Method.
  • Never use any negative form in you sentences (i.e.: I will not fail in anything anymore. It's better to use: I will succeed in everything I'm undertaking from now on.) And trust me, affirmations really works! So if you affirm anything negative, this is what you'll get! So be aware of it, and very careful in your affirmations.

  • You also have to be repetitive. Repeat at least 10 to 20 times each affirmation every day, for several days. What I like to do when I have a goal to attain is to pick up 2 or 3 sentences that make sense to me. Then I write them down 10 times each, and I repeat the process for at least 7 days in a row.

  • Remember, consistency!!! You can even go further and do it for 2 to 3 weeks in a row. The longer you do it, the better results you'll get.

    You will be surprised on how effective that simple and easy method is. Few years ago I started with affirmations to help me care about my self. Yeah! I was like that! A person that didn't like herself enough to believe that she could do anything good. Well that simple method had simply change my life for the better! Now I am happy with myself, my life with my family and friends is fill with joy and happiness, I run a successful business in Graphic Arts and I do have a great success with my spare time e-businesses.

    So, let me tell you that this method can really change your life too if you only give it a try! I went from living in a stressful mood all the time, never expecting anything good could ever happen to me, to being loaded with confidence in my possibilities and chances of being successful in all the aspects of my life! And still sometimes when something doesn't go the way I want it, I grab my pen and start writing positive affirmations. And back on the good track I am!

    So pick up your pen, and start climbing the road to success!

    With that simple method you too can become successful in any of your goals. I simply wish the information I just gave you, will help you out! Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be more than glad to hear from you and discuss that method with you.

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